July Employee of the Month – ARt Gwozdz

July Employee of the Month - ARt Gwozdz

Meet ARt, yep, “A R t”, our July Employee of the Month! ARt is as unique as the spelling of his name. ARt, who celebrated his 10th anniversary with S&S in January 2021, was extremely customer-focused. He did a lot to ensure smooth operations within customer and internal IT functions. This included a heavy focus on backups, storage, and AIX servers. He was always willing to step in and assist enQuesta users, both internal S&S team members and customers. ARt retired in August 2021 and will be remembered for his expertise, dedication, positive attitude, and career success.

“I’ve enjoyed working with you all and right up until today have enjoyed doing what I do, probably quite a feat for someone in the IT game for almost 43 years, unix administration of one sort or another for 30 of them,” says ARt. “It is great to see the company on such a firm footing and with so many solid improvements having come into play with even more on the near horizon.”