Reflection – When you think of this word, it may stir some emotion, cause some thought-provoking reasoning, or even trigger your own self-internalization. Many of us find ourselves in our “day-to-day” routine, balancing what we deem to be our priorities. For some, it’s a focus on our careers, for others, it may be our family and friends. More often than not, it’s an attempt to find the magic balancing line of both. Rarely is the focus on ourselves and reflecting on what we as women need to do, to take care of ourselves. It’s said that you need to learn to care for yourself before you can care for others; yet around the world, we as women may challenge this state of mind and instead put those closest to us ahead of our own wellbeing or personal beliefs. The theme for Women’s History Month is “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope”. This theme is “both a tribute to the ceaseless work of scientist, caregivers, and frontline workers during this ongoing pandemic and also a recognition of the thousands of ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing & hope throughout history.”
Bias – Typically, when you hear this word, there is a negative connotation to it. When something is referred to as “bias”, it could indicate prejudice or some degree of favoritism towards one person, group, viewpoint or political stance over another. Gender Bias can be interpreted in many different forms. Sometimes it’s painfully obvious, and other times it may only be recognized after deeper reflection on what gender bias or discrimination truly means. Either way, we are all accountable to call out gender bias in any shape or form. We owe it to ourselves first and foremost, but we also owe it to each other as women. Be part of the solution, part of the movement, be part of the conversation –– for yourself and for the generations of women who will follow. Together, we can create a world where differences are celebrated and valued.
“Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women”
– Maya Angelou
This month, we celebrate all women as we focus & reflect on Women’s History. March 8th is International Women’s Day, which this year is associated with the theme: #BreakTheBias. Regardless of your role, or the field you work in; whether you are a leader in an organization, a community leader, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a student, a mom, wife, girlfriend, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin or best friend – we celebrate you! No role is more dominant, or more important than the role of being a woman. The challenge is to be part of the movement, and if we all get involved, we can break the bias in our workplaces, schools, colleges, universities, and communities. We can create and nurture a society where all women are treated equally, applauded for their success, and feel supported when they need it.
“Everyone needs to be valued, everyone has the potential to give something back”
– Princess Diana
Today, I challenge each of you to take a few moments to focus on YOU and on what you need to do to #BreakTheBias. Build the habits each week, to break the bias – if we want to change the outcome, we need to change the behavior. We need to reflect on what we as individuals need to do to grow and be successful in business and in our lives. To support each other, pick each other up, and call out situations where we see gender bias or discrimination, we need to begin by reflecting on ourselves. If we band together to applaud our accomplishments, be respectful of our differences, and, most importantly, create a discussion around gender bias, then we will make a difference. Steel sharpens steel –– the more we focus and reflect on ourselves and each other, the stronger we will be. There is nothing more determined, focused, or powerful than a woman who has the support of her peers. Let’s all work together to help #BreakTheBias.
Dana Lendorf-McCarthy